During our expedition to California to harvest clone material from ancient giant sequoias and coast redwoods, I wanted to know what these cloned cuttings would look like as young saplings, even though it would take decades to see what they…
May 25 & 26
May 25 and 26 found the expedition at the Redwoods River Resort on Highway 101 in Northern California. Not only was this a beautiful location with an opportunity to rest up after the exhausting three days in the Sierra Nevada…
May 23
May 23 was the second day spent at Alder Creek grove in the Sierra Nevada Mountains as part of an expedition to collect and archive the genetics of some of the oldest, largest, and perhaps most important trees on earth…
Pics & Clips from 200 ft up
Below are a series of pictures and video cllips taken by Jake Milarch and Bo Burke from the top of the giant sequoia that was climbed by over 16 people using an “elevator” technique that allowed one person to be…
May 22
It was a fabulous day at Alder Creek Grove in the Sierra Nevada Mountains as 23 people gathered for the first day of a week-long tree climbing trip to collect and archive the genetics of some of the oldest, largest,…
May 21
May 21, 12:00 noon. Greetings to all new visitors to my website. My trip is to California is just getting started. I flew to Fresno this morning and am waiting for David Milarch and others to arrive on a 3:24 pm flight from Michigan so…